When finding out I was pregnant, I was unsure if/how I would integrate this new aspect of my life with Clean Eating Goddess. As eating and pregnancy go hand in hand, it was hard to keep this aspect of my life to myself. I really make an effort to keep my Instagram and blog about the food, but what always seems to amaze me is how engaged you are with aspects of my personal life. It shouldn’t amaze me, because I know this is the world we live in. However, by running a mostly food based blog and social, I wondered why people would be interested in me? Please have patience with me as I continue to get more comfortable with sharing my life. I am really a private person, so this is something I have to continue working on. As always, I will be honest and authentic- as embarrassing, uncomfortable, or ugly as it may be!
Here are your questions…
How am I feeling?
I am 30+ weeks pregnant as I write this post. First and foremost I want to start this by stating how grateful I am to be in this position. Lucky to be pregnant, lucky to be pregnant with twins, and lucky to have had an easy journey to get here. A lot of that came with guilt even. I want to remind you though that if you are pregnant and are finding it difficult that is ok too. Along with a surge in hormones, physical changes, and general life changes that are soon approaching- pregnancy can also be hard. Some people enjoy every second of it, while others do not enjoy it for a variety of reasons. That’s ok! The experience can be both one of extreme gratitude and one that is also challenging. Also, remember to ignore other people’s comments and advice! I am amazed at what strangers deem acceptable to say to you just because you are pregnant. If you really need advice from someone I suggest finding one or two moms who you trust and asking them. Otherwise, I’ve really enjoyed doing my research and choosing what makes the most sense to me.
Everything in life is about attitude. By nature, I *TRY* not to complain very much because most of the time, we truly have nothing real to be complaining about. By being grateful just to be pregnant, I really didn’t feel the normal aches and pains of pregnancy were something to mention. When anyone asks how I’m feeling I say “good!” Do I have days where I feel like absolute crap? Yes. I am growing two human beings in my belly and it is bound to take its toll.
At 24 weeks I was put on modified bed rest. What does that mean? “Act like a princess and put on your crown!” my doctor told me. About all I could do was be dropped off at the front door of a restaurant and be seated immediately. No working, cooking, laundry, etc. Although I know it could be worse, it is also difficult to be so useless especially when trying to prepare for the babies. I am also someone who hates accepting/asking for help. I am so grateful to Zach for managing everything in this house- including taking care of Hymie (our french bulldog) 24/7, feeding me, tidying up the house, keeping me sane etc. I was put on bed rest initially because the girls were measuring on the smaller side. My doctor was being cautious as Zach and I are both small, and having smaller babies is to be expected with twins. As the weeks progressed, the bed rest had a new purpose- making sure the babies stayed in as long as possible! Our twins are known as “di/di” twins which means they each have their own sacs/placentas which is the lowest risk twins you can have. However with any twin pregnancy, the biggest risk you face is premature labour. The average twin pregnancy lasts 35 weeks, so staying off your feet is important to keep em’ cooking.
As I update this post I am now 35 weeks and a few days and am nearing the end of my pregnancy. I still tell people I am feeling good, but I want to be a bit more transparent here and say that last few weeks have definitely especially challenging. My hips, thighs, and lower back are not too happy with me. I have Braxton Hicks contractions, exhaustion, my body is unrecognizable (I can’t believe the belly my body was able to grow), rib pain and so on. As I have gone through this pregnancy what has given me the most comfort is reading other twin moms experiences so I don’t feel alone. So sharing these symptoms are for that preggy out there (singleton or with multiples) who might be scared by something they are feeling or just want to feel they are not alone. At the end of the day, I am creating and carrying two humans and all of these feelings are to be expected- maybe even be worse. I’m grateful to have come this far without other complications that can come with any pregnancy- especially a twin one. I’d say the hardest symptom of pregnancy is the worry. The second you become pregnant motherly instincts kick in and you are constantly worried about the safety and health of your baby(ies). I know this symptom will continue for the rest of my life!
What am I eating?
The first four months of my pregnancy were really rough in terms of nausea/exhaustion. I had nausea all day and night and found it extremely difficult to eat at all, let alone eat properly. Cooking was completely out of the question because of the gag-inducing smells. If you follow me on Instagram you were able to meet my alter ego “The Dirty Eating Goddess” where I ate grilled cheese, pizza, cereal, toast and drank more iced tea and lemonade then I ever thought possible. I would never call what I ate a craving. It came down to what can I physically swallow without it coming back up. After week 16, the nausea began to subside and I was back to really eating the way I used to. I was back in the kitchen and was able to get a few recipes on the blog. I find it funny how people really push you to eat unhealthily while pregnant. If there was ever a time to eat well, it is when you are creating a brain, heart, bones etc. No? I made a lot of soups, chilli, stuffed peppers etc. in large batches and began to freeze for when the babies came. Unfortunately, this spree of cooking was short lived as I was put on bed rest just a few weeks later.
So what am I eating now? Zach has been so helpful in helping cook a few meals a week, and has even made my healthiest bread ever, frittata, and a few smoothies that I can have for breakfast throughout the week. Lunch is normally a takeout salad. Proper weight gain is important for any pregnancy, but especially so with twins. I really made sure to get enough protein, healthy fats, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my fair share of french fries, ice cream, and pizza but I’ve kept 75% of my diet nutritious to help these babies grow!
When I first found out I was pregnant I continued to do pilates but stopped spinning. The nausea eventually stopped me from working out. With my fast growing belly, pilates did not feel good anymore and I was able to go to about two barre classes before I was put on bed rest. So not only have I not worked out, I’ve barely walked! As someone who worked out at least three times a week, this has definitely been a challenge. I look forward to slowly getting back into an exercise routine after the girls arrive.
Please speak with your doctor before taking any supplements. I am taking Megafood Baby and Me 2, Megafood Vitamin D and C, Nova probiotic and an Omega 3 supplement.
If you are having twins I highly recommend When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads , and What to Do When You’re Having Two. I haven’t read much else except other bloggers experiences. There are a few apps that have great information as well – check out Ovia and The Bump for daily updates of how your baby is growing and developing.
I’ve been interchanging Weleda Stretch Mark Oil, Egyptian Magic, Andalou Body Butter and Honest Company Body Oil.
If you guys have any more questions at all- feel free to leave a comment on this post or send me a message on Instagram! I never expected to be put on bed rest when I did, so I am sorry for the lack of recipe content. With two girls expected to arrive any day, I don’t see myself doing any recipe development but I can’t wait to get back into the kitchen. Until then, I’ll be checking in on social media to show you the girls and answer any questions you have! Thanks for all of you who have written me to see how I am doing- means the world.
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